2020… what a strange year…
January was good, including the session about Public Speaking I did at the Microsoft Ignite Tour in Milan.
I spent February ill, with a lot of fever. When I started recovering, at the beginning of March, Italy started its first lockdown, with school closures and many difficult moments, trying to balance work, family, and keeping mental sanity.
The boost of views in April was due to some posts related to some of my speaking events.
I tried to keep blogging in May and June but without the same results as of April.
Then I spent July and August writing my second book about public speaking (that is not published yet; if you want more info about it, you can go here).
Then I spent all the Fall trying to find a balance again, and I don’t know if I succeeded, probably not.
See you in 2021, hoping that the new book will be published soon and that it will boost my willingness to blog.